Artwork for Musicians
​In 2024, I have begun to create artwork for musicians: album covers, artwork for single releases, and gig posters. I am passionate about this, as music is my greatest love. I charge very reasonable rates (especially while I am building my portfolio) so get in touch with any commission requests! I listen to your music, plus any pre-existing ideas and suggestions you may have, and work with you to create a custom piece. I work by hand with analogue materials and never use AI.
Here are some creations that are out in the world already:

Gig poster for Leonardo Lemuel (with space for QR code ticket link)

Single cover for Not Real Communism by Corporate Retreat

Single cover for The Death of Captain Obvious by Corporate Retreat

Gig poster for Cathal Dowd, Cats on the Moon, and Corporate Retreat (with space for QR code ticket link)

Single cover for I Love Music More Than Sex by Corporate Retreat